2009 m. gegužės 12 d., antradienis


Everyone is afraid of something—being alone in the dark, mouses or speaking public utterance. Unfortunately, some people have unreasonable fears which influence their daily lives. These people have phobias. A phobia is an intense, unrealistic fear, which can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, event or situation. There are various kinds of phobias and several of them are agoraphobia, algophobia.

Agoraphobia is the intense fear of feeling trapped and having a panic attack in a public place. The initial reason for the development of agoraphobia is an episode of spontaneous panic. After first panic attack, the person becomes afraid of experiencing a second one. So, it becomes more difficult because person feels fear of his fear and worries about when and where the next attack may occur. Eventually the person completely avoids public places or situations in which the panic attack can occur. Lastly, person who has agoraphobia stays at home all the time because of the fear of experiencing a panic attack. Regrettably, this phobia have about 3% people of the population.

The other phobia is algophobia. Algophobia is the fear of pain. Algophobics have strong and persistent fear of pain. The fear of pain may cause a person to have anxiety attacks. It can also cause a person to get very upset and lose control. Patients often report feeling intense pains when only the slightest amount of pressure is applied. Algophobia may cause people to cry or even self destruct.

There are treatment options for people who suffer from phobias. Some are treated with anti anxiety medicine. Other patients are treated with therapy. There are some patients that are treated with both treatment options. Some people have even used hypnosis as a treatment.

Interesting fact is that Stalin had phobia of poisoning. He was afraid that someone could poison him and always ordered to check all his food.

In conclusion, phobias are very difficult psychological problems and they have to be treatable because person suffer from this kind of problem and can not live normal life.