2009 m. kovo 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Studies of psychology in diffrent universities

       Psychology is very important subject suggested by many universities all over the world. It is worth to compare our university to some other universities in the field of psychology in order to find out some similarities and differences. 

       Firstly, my object of comparison is the Psychology programmes in The American University in Cairo with studies in our university. Unfortunately, I have found just programme of the first course of The American University. So, I am comparing just subjects of the first year studies. As we all know, we need to have forty credits then we finish our first course and the similar amount of credits is required in the American University- there you have to have about thirty-six credits. The strange fact is that all subjects have three credits there and in our university every subject has different number of credits. Some subjects are the same as in our university, for instance, Theories of Personality, Introduction to Psychology. There are some objects which would engage me in the American university, for example, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychological Testing and Assessment, but I hope we will have these objects later. There is also Lifespan Development in this university but I think that it is very similar to Positive Thinking that we have possibility to learn in our university. 

        My second case of comparing includes our university and the University of Leeds which is one of the best universities in UK. According to information I have found about the course of psychology in this university I am considering the aspect of all studies of psychology in both universities. The period of studies is different: you have to study psychology for four years in Lithuania and the studies are shorter -three years in UK. On the other hand, the number of credits you have to get during every year of studies is the same: forty credits, 20 per semester. The system of choosing and learning the subjects of psychology during years of studies is quite different. You are required to attend fixed amount of compulsory subjects and you can freely choose some elective subjects according to your interest during every semester in our university. On contrary, you get a list of compulsory subjects for all three years in the University of Leeds and you can make your own individual schedule of studies. In fact, statistics and use of statistical packages is offered to cover at the start of the first semester and original research project, which is worth 40 credits, is recommended to complete during the last year of studies in this university. It is interesting that other subjects have the same amount of credits -10 there and the amount of credits for every subject is different in our university. Also I noticed that students have quite smaller number of subjects during all studies in UK, but they are deeply studying compulsory subjects. I think the areas covered by different subjects are very similar in both universities: cognition, emotion, motivation, visual perception and language, developmental psychology & individual differences, neuropsychology, learning & motivation, social psychology and so on. It was very interesting for me to find out that University of Leeds strongly encourages to attend the programme of Research Seminars, featuring world-leading researchers summarising their recent, often ground-breaking work.

        In the first case I was comparing the programmes of short period of studies in two different universities and found out that the subjects of studying are quite similar. The second case of comparison showed more differences especially in the system of studies. In conclusion, I think that the programme of our university is very good and comprehensive comparing to other universities. 




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