2009 m. vasario 25 d., trečiadienis

Restatement summary “The mystery of memory”

Memory is the field of interest and research for a long time. 

Firstly psychologists made distinction between short-term and long-term of memory: information we remember jus for a short time and information which is not lost and stored for a long period of time.

There are many different kinds of memory. There is procedural and declarative memory. Procedural memory is about how we must do a lot of things and use it. Declarative memory is about how we recognize things. Also the difference between recognition and recall is pointed out. Experiments prove this difference. Also we have photographic memory based on tastes, smells or colours in the period of childhood. Memories are made in the way of creating new patterns of connections, consisting of nerve cells. Information we need to remember something is stored in different regions of the brain. 

The memory remains interesting and mysterious, because nowadays neuroscientists are still doing research how these regions and processes are connected and capable to give information called memory.

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