2008 m. gruodžio 18 d., ketvirtadienis

Francesca Steele I have nomophobia: fear of being without a mobile Summary

A mobile phone is very important and necessary communicative means in the 21st century. A lot of people do not imagine their life without mobile phone, feel stress then do not have it with themselves, so they have nomophobia. Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. Francesca Steele has performed an experiment about this fear. Francesca Steele decided to live a week without a mobile phone.

 Primarily, she turned off her mobile phone. She felt confused and stressed because she was thinking about it all the time and wanted check her phone on the first day. All week turned out to be a total disaster. Francesca missed trains, she was constantly late on appointments. She could not even meet up with her friends.

On the other hand, this experiment had some positive sides. Francesca spoke with her parents on a landline and chatting on the landline was certainly more relaxing and focused. 

In conclusion, Francesca Steele understood that without mobile phone she could not live her normal and full-rate life. So, she accepts that she has nomophobia and promises to keep her mobile phone always near and never turn it off. 

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