2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Analytical summary

Sleep and Dreams

"Sleep and dreams" is the 14th module in Robert S. Feldman's course book "Understanding Psychology". You can get very useful information about sleep and dreams in this module. For instance, we get to know more about different stages of sleep, sleep disturbances, theories of dreams.

Firstly, author sets out four stages of sleep and explains that every of them are necessary for us. The writer broadly describes REM stage. Furthermore, we can deepen one’s knowledge about the importance of sleep and how much sleep is absolutely required.

Secondly, we are introduced with mysterious subject– dreams and meaning of them. Moreover, author represents three major theories, which are very important for the meaning of dreaming. Also, we can read about sleep disturbances. Besides, Robert S. Feldman supplies various tasks and questions for recap. So, we have a possibility to remember all information perfectly.  

In conclusion, the writer gives various and exciting information about sleep and dreams. This knowledge has importance for us – future psychologists.

1 komentaras:

Tomas.Aukstolis rašė...

nuostabus puikiai iliustruotas blogas :D