2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Psychology in my life and future

Mostly the most frequent question at the beginning of my studies in the University of Mykolas Romeris can be in short expressed as: Why Psychology? I also asked myself this before choosing this subject to study.

Already at school I noticed that it was interesting and also difficult to understand the behaviour of people, to predict their thouhts, to interpret their actions, to realize the feelings, especially then they  needed my help or support.  So because of this  I decided to develop my personal skills: communication, understanding, interests concerning behaviour of people.   This was the beginning of my way to psychology as science.

I realized that if I wanted to give qualified help to people, to know reasoned answers to the questhions conserning human beings and their behaviour, I needed to get some intelligence and get professional views and skills about this subject. The best way to do this was the studies of  psychology.

That's why I am planning to connect my future with psychology. I would like to have a job in the field of this science and to be educated psychologist. 

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