2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Analytical summary

"Understanding Psychology" is the book written by the professor  Robert S. Feldman. The basic information about psychology as a science is introduced in the  first chapter of this book- "Introduction to psychology”, which consists of three modules.

The main idea of the  first module is the description of psychology as a science, for example,  giving its advantages and disadvantages. The author mentions the main fields of this science   such as social, educational and business,  represents some areas of the work of psychologists.

The second module is the overview of the history of psychology involving  the origins of this science, the most famous psychologists and their contribution. In addition to this, the author represents diversity of the psychological perspectives in modern psychology. 

The last module of the chapter mentioned above is most relevant  issues and controversies in psychology. The question,  how culture, ethnicity and race could influence behavior, is also taken into the consideration. Finally, the author takes a look to the future of this science and gives his atttidude.

In conclusion, these three modules are not just the core of the main information about the psychology as the science,  but also they intoduce  a lot of examples, key issues. This is very useful for understanding the subject, having in mind that psychology and the need of it will develop in the future. 

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