2008 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of Kleptomania

Kleptomania is defined by a number of features including a consistent tendency to steal items not needed for personal use or monetary value. It was first officially recognized in the US as a mental disorder in the 1960s. Kleptomania is distinguished from shoplifting or ordinary theft, as shoplifters and thieves generally steal in order to get money, while people with kleptomania generally steal things of little or no value, such as pens, paper clips, tape, small toys, or packets of sugar or sachets of honey. 

There are several symptoms of this disorder. Firstly, such people have an irresistible inclination to steal. Also this includes feeling of increased tension before the theft, feeling of pleasure, gratification or relief at the time of the theft. 

Kleptomania is rare overall, but females more often than males have this disorder. This disorder usually begins during childhood and usually lasts until late adulthood. In some cases, it may never stop and lasts throughout the person's life, so it is very difficult to document the real number of people having kleptomania, especially because of the fact that people with kleptomania often have another psychiatric disorder, often a mood disorder such as depression and anxiety or eating disorders. There is indirect evidence linking it with abnormalities in the brain chemical serotonin. 

There are several ways of treatment of kleptomania. Psychological counselling or therapy is usually aimed at dealing with underlying psychological problems that may be contributing to kleptomania. It may also include behaviour modification therapy, family therapy or even drugs, which raise serotonin level in the brain, for example, fluoxetine (Prozac, most commonly used). 

In conclusion, taking into the consideration what was said about kleptomania, it is serious psychiatric disorder which requires psychological treatment. Of course It can be difficult to understand if the person stole something just for money or it is mental disorder. 

1 komentaras:

Agne rašė...

Hey, Ruta ;)
I liked your work, it was really interesting to read and learn something new.
P.S. nice picture :))